Envision 2024 knocks on your door, with an opportunity to present your unique research before an esteemed array of audience. The is an attempt to bring futuristic ideas integrated with healthcare to the present. This experience will leave you enriched with knowledge and revolutionary ideas from all corners of the world. Make sure to leave a mark at this event, an become a part of changing scientific thinking.
Who can submit?
UG/PG students and faculty can submit abstracts and/or full-text manuscript for an oral/poster presentation. All ethically conducted research papers will be accepted. There will be separate categories for UG/PG and faculty.
THEME - Next Gen Healthcare
Cancer Research
Nutrition and Lifestyle Diseases
Implementation Sciences
Oral Health and Advancements
Sports Medicine
Prehab and Rehab Studies
Infectious Diseases
Polytrauma Surgeries
Mental Health
Sustainable Healthcare
Social Markers in Maternal Health
Robotics and AI
Other Emerging Areas in Healthcare
Category of Paper/ Poster:
i) Original Article
ii) Review Paper
iii) Case Study:
(a) Isolated Case Reports
(b) Case Series
iv) Concept Note
Format for abstract:
1. Original Article – Background, Objectives, Methodology, Results, Conclusion
2. Review paper - Background, Purpose, Review Findings, Conclusion
3. Case Study – Introduction, Case summary, Conclusion
4. Concept Note - Background, Description of Concept/Idea, Conclusion
Guidelines for submission:
The abstract submitted must not have been previously presented, published or accepted
for publication in any medical journal.
The word limit for abstract text is 400 words.
Only online abstract submission will be accepted.
The abstract will be peer-reviewed and checked for plagiarism using standard anti-plagiarism tools and the review findings will be notified to the participant.
The cut for plagiarism is 25%. Abstracts with a plagiarism score of more than 25% similarity will be sent back to the participant for revision.
The decision of the scientific committee will be final regarding presentation of the sent abstracts. The submissions will be screened for quality and sorted according to merit.
The scientific committee will judge the eligibility of the abstract with regards to it being
eligible for a paper or a poster presentation.
Only 1 author can present a paper which is authored by multiple authors, who will receive the certificate for presentation. Please underline the presenting author's name while submitting the abstract.
The abstract should be submitted in the prescribed template form, in an MS Word document in Times New Roman font, size-12, and line spacing 1.5 (The font type/ size/ line-spacing should not be changed)
Abstracts which do not adhere to guidelines will not be accepted.
Conference registration is mandatory for abstract submission.
Final presentation guidelines will be updated and communicated once the abstract
acceptances close.
The last date for abstract submission and other important dates are mentioned below.
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission last date: 14th April, 2024
Rules and Regulations:
A. Prior to the Poster Presentation
1. All procedures right from registration and application and anything else required,
need to be completed as per protocol, following the guidelines mentioned before the
Note: For more details on the procedures for this event and contact details, please
refer to the website.
2. Kindly note that only award posters (to be announced shortly) will consist
discussion sessions.
Rules for Final Poster Submissions:
● The poster should be as precise as possible.
● Each poster will receive a certificate issued solely in the name of the main author.
● Posters will be displayed as per the order. Continuous display monitors will be at the
● It should have a logical layout and follow the template given.
● Avoid long sentences and rather use bullet points.
● Ethics clearance must have been obtained from the author’s university.
● It should be in English.
Formatting guidelines:
● Size A0
● Single slide in landscape format with an aspect ratio 16:9
● Single slide pptx or pdf.
● Heading:
It should mention clearly the title, names of the main author and co-authors and
Title: this needs to have the largest font size of your entire poster to be eye catching.
Keep the title as short as possible – it doesn't need to be a paragraph long
Authors: include everyone who has contributed.
Affiliations: should come directly under authors. This should show which
organisations are represented by the authors.
This should include a short background of the topic to set the context and state the main objectives of reporting the case, its novelty or clinical relevance.
Case Report
This includes history, clinical examination findings, investigations, treatment given, follow-up of the patient.
(Relevant photographs to be included)
(Please note: Anonymity of the patient to be maintained)
Brief review of literature on the concerned case and relevance / novelty of the case.
Only cite key references integral to the case.